Termicare Structure

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Termicare Structure

Perfect Termicide

As we learnt from past that termite management means creating a chemical barrier of the termiticide in the soil around the periphery of the structure but repellent property of these conventional products make the termites to avoid barrier and look for gaps. As light breakage in the treated area, leaving the treated structure die without any initial symptoms. TERMICARE STRUCTURE containing Imidacloprid extract is new termiticide which break the concept of repellency and it is systemic & contact insecticide.

TERMICARE STRUCTURE which create non-detectable treated zone, allows free entry of termite into treated area which act as a “killing field” exposing the termites to lethal dose of the product. Exposed termites stop feeding and also transfer the molecules to the other members of the colony which do not come in direct contact of the treated area. This leads to reduction in population of termite

Reason To Choose Termicare as a Termiticide


1 litter of TERMICARE STRUCTURE should be diluted in 9 litters of water for both pre- and post-construction. The treatment should be done with the help of Hand operated knapsack sprayer or foot sprayer

Pre- Construction Treatment

Post-construction Treatment

Packing : 1 Liter

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